Friday, March 03, 2006

Secuil lagi diriku .....

Continued from "Secuil diriku ....."

Fortunately, not long after that rejection news, I heard some progress regarding my PR application. My agent back at Sydney asked me to do IELTS test followed by the medical check-up which is a good indication that my PR will be approved soon.

IELTS test aku lewati dgn mulus tanpa hambatan yang berarti. Kemudian aku menjalani medical check-up sambil was-was karena dulu aku sempet merokok sejak SMP 2 sampai terakhir year 2000. Negative thinking keep running in my brain akankah efek nikotin dari rokok-rokok yg aku hisap itu membuat medical check-upku failed…. Lebih parah lagi, kalau PRku gak keluar, what should I do at Indonesia ?

I had tried to secure some positions. However, in some ways, they were not satisfied me. Dokter jaga di lab jln Sulawesi menepis kekhawatiranku, dia bilang “you’re fine”. Aku rasanya ingin lompat tinggi-tinggi. Aku ngasih tip buat suster dan mantri jaga di sana dua ratus ribu each, sampe one of them saying thank you very much so many times.

Finally my PR had been approved, and I flew back to Sydney. Instead of looking for proper job (office job), I went straight back to my former employer who is COLES SUPERMARKET (di Indo semacam Careffour lah).

Aku dulu kerja di Fresh Produce department, so I somehow knew most of the staff. Ternyata I found out that my former manager already quit the job. Terus aku nemuin manager yg sekarang namanya Arthur Varlas (orang Greek). Kebetulan ada satu staff mau go overseas for good, jadinya aku ngisi posisi dia.

Pertamanya aku happy dgn kerjaanku, wagesku dan managerku yg bener2 care ama staffnya. Tapi terkadang muncul pikiran kenapa aku yg udah lulusan master di sini kok masih ngerjain shit job like this ? But, I keep my positive thinking. Well, it is not that bad, especially in April 2004 there’ll be new store opening. There’ll be a lot of opportunities there …..

Nantinya aku akan menyesali this silly thought ….. day by day gone by, but I just stuck there regretting and forgiving myself, led me into self-destruction …..
Until I met someone so special, my Beve, who gave my spirit back, supported me on whatever I did. Thanks a lot, Beve!
Now, I picking up my life pieces, and trying hard to put them on the right place. Whatever the result, I will be proud to myself as I had tried my best which I never done before.

God, leads me on your path in which I believed will be the best for me and I shall follow. Glory to the Lord in the highest …..

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