Jangan bosan bosan baca blogku yah, kebanyakan nyambung dan cerita tentang my personal life soalnya :)
Beberapa bulan sebelum new store opening, some movement happenned. Arthur (Fresh Produce manager) transfer ke new store. Dia udah bekerja walau supermarketnya belum open for public, alias setting up preparation area dan display shop floor. Beberapa managers juga follow suit.
Yang gantiin Arthur itu Jason Formosa, seorang Aussie yang terus terang aku bilang gak becus kerjanya. Fresh Produce department dibikin gak nyaman di bawah pimpinannya. Aku udah pingin pindah ikut Arthur ke new shop, tapi kenapa gak ada offer dari dia ? Atau dia ingin start with brand-new staff ?
In the middle of everywhere, pas aku ngambil pay slip di office, ada flyer dibagiin dengan tulisan "Interested in bakery career ?". Aku emang lebih tertarik bekerja membuat sesuatu, gak cuman display merchandise atau stock controlling kayak di Fresh Produce. Kebetulan aku ketemu ama si Arthur, terus kita discuss masalah kerja di bakery. He said "The 5 weeks training in the bakery is good, but I personally don't think that working in the bakery is that good". That's it, dia gak buka mulut apakah aku mau ikut transfer ke new store or not. Silly me, I can't open my mouth to say something about it, or say something about how miserable we felt working under Jason.
Akhirnya aku applied at bakery and got that job. The first 5 weeks training is fabulous. I learned so many new things. Vienna ? Vietnamese Rolls ? How interesting to see a dough growing and later baked into bread ? The smell of freshly baked bread ? The donuts machine which end up with lots of them in my belly. Most of the staff I will work with were there, except for the manager, Tiffany Beckinsale, another Aussie, which were nice but never willing to do anything.
A week prior to the opening day, Arthur came to me and asked me "Are you happy at the bakery ? Because I need someone as my second-in-in-charge (assistant manager)." I replied "I am happy working here at bakery but I am thrilled if I can work as your 2IC". Wah gak kebayang deh rasanya, bisa jadi tangan kanan Arthur. I was thinking beyond in 5 years ahead. Bisakah aku jadi manager kayak dia yg handle sales more than $250,000 per week ?
However, shit happens. Ada manager lain yg ditransfer ke Fresh Produce dan merupakan titipan dari "atas". Arthur dengan terpaksa membatalkan promosiku ke Fresh Produce dan tiba tiba Tiffany menawari aku jadi 2ICnya. Well aku tau benar kalo ini pasti hasil lobby dari Arthur. Better than nothing I thought.
Anyway, I ended up working as Bakery 2IC. I worked hard there, never took my tea break, only took half of my unpaid lunch break, just to have a decent meal.
Yang aku gak tau, beberapa anak buahku ternyata berambisi banget jadi 2IC. Jadi mereka dengan dengkinya sengaja membuat jengkel aku. Ada yang sengaja kerja dipelan-pelanin. Ada yang sengaja order sampai double the amount we need. Terus si Tiffanny juga seems gak ngapa-ngapain, seringnya raib ke office have a nice chit chat with anyone there. Padahal aku udah coba leading with example, I don't want to be bossy. Or maybe, mereka pikir aku main belakang, mungkin mereka pikir kok bisa yang paling muda di sini malah dijadiin 2IC dan memimpin kita-kita yang rata2 lebih dari 3 tahun experience at Coles ?
Mereka berharap kalau aku step down dari 2IC position, who knows Tiffanny promote mereka ? Sikap mereka ke Tiffanny memuakkan, mereka saling adu menjilat Tiffanny. Karena bukan rahasia, kalau di Coles, promotion-demotion sangat gak jelas, bukan karena prestasi. It's not what you're doing but Who're you knowing.
Suasana di bakery jadi gak karuan, aku merasa ditikam dari belakang oleh mereka. Seringkali aku sengaja membanting trolly keras-keras ke tembok, karena mereka packing the breadnya kayak orang abis stroke aja. Mau gak mau aku jadi bossy, suruh si A ngerjain ini, suruh si B ngerjain itu. Gitu aja, seringkali kerjaan ditinggalin buat aku. Ujung-ujungnya aku harus voluntary stay back untuk nyelesain semua. Tanggung jawab ? Dedikasi ? Rubbish semua.
That's it, why I have to whip up my ass just for $25 extra per week ?
I gave my resignation letter after not more than 6 months as 2IC. Aku sempet punya pikiran untuk bertahan, paling lama 1-2 tahun lagi udah jadi manager, tapi buat apa ? Bayaran manager berapa emang ?
Someone told me "Just close your eyes, hang on there as 2IC", but I can't. If I got the responsibility, I always try to do my best.
Fortunately, Tiffanny can see the performance of her bakery staff. Later, she took Chelsea Berry from Dairy department to became Bakery 2IC. Boo Hoo for you guys, you didn't get what you planned so far. Chelsea ini pertamanya kerjanya oke, tapi lama kelamaan dia kecewa juga melihat kerjanya bakery staff, and even worst she decided to work as slow as them.
Gak lama Tiffanny mengundurkan diri juga. She even quit from Coles. Aku rasa dia baru tau gimana kalau kudu ngerjain semuanya sendiri, pressure dari atas/store management dan slack performance dari subordinate staff.
Nowadays, I just stuck in the bakery preparation room, doing what I do best, preparing and producing bread rolls retards.
Bakersku, Andy O'Brien ditawarin posisi jadi manager. Everyday since that promotion day, he always winging "It's not what I wanted to, but they assigned me to. I'm going to step down tomorrow". Tapi dia hanging on there. Well, some people just did it, aren't they ? Bakery going down hill, getting worst and worst.
Staffnya pas pasan karena sales juga pas pasan (staff budgetting sekitar 5% dari sales). Jadinya jangankan bersih-bersih, untuk nyelesain kerjaan aja kadang gak keburu. Practically, I think my bakery preparation room is the worst I ever seen. Disgusting.
Sometimes, I even wondered ...... what position I have now if I still hanging on there before ? Is it worthed ?
Hide (Desperate Worker)
Wah Owen, satu hari sebanyak itu postingmu?ckckck makasudku rajin menulis bukan sehari dibuat tulis blog...hahahaa